It’s the New Twenties.

Written by  //  July 13, 2015  //  Reflections  //  No comments

My first encounter with the Critical Twenties was during my first month at law school, when my professor of Legal Methods wrote a post on this blog on a topic which was being discussed in class. As a first year law student, I remembered this forum as an interestingly named blog.

This blog has developed leaps and bounds since its inception. From Amir Khusro to Roger Federer, from securities and arbitration law to science digests, from movie review to the General Budget, from the Mahabharata to the Hobbit, Critical Twenties has attempted to make a foray into a wide range of areas. On the way, it has also hosted insightful guest posts and interviews.

However, for the last one year, owing to certain constraints, it could not be regularly updated.  Critical Twenties is about to re-start after a hiatus of a year and a half. A new bunch of people have now turned twenty and are ready to take over the management of this blog. We hope to revive this blog, and to evolve through our critical twenties with our future contributors and readers.

The baton named Critical Twenties has been passed not only to a new generation of contributors, but also in a sense, to the many more new readers. We are reviving the blog with starry-eyed optimism. We seek to survive the restraints that may come in the form of academic deadlines and professional commitments by sailing in the ship of the enthusiasm that the twenties are well-fabled to bring about. Our enthusiasm is, of course, almost entirely fuelled by your encouragement and participation. We intend for this to be a journey, which reflects the attitudes, ideas and opinions of an evolving generation realising a very critical decade of their lives. And we want you to meander along with us.

Aradhya Sethia

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